With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000
In October 14-20, 2013 business mission of small and medium enterprises to Indonesia initiated by Tomsk CCI in the framework of the scope of the events for small and medium enterprises development of Administration of Tomsk region and Economic Development Ministry of the Russian Federation was conducted.

  In October 14-20, 2013 business mission of small and medium enterprises to Indonesia initiated by Tomsk CCI in the framework of the scope of the events for small and medium enterprises development of Administration of Tomsk region and Economic Development Ministry of the Russian Federation was conducted.

  Business mission of small and medium enterprises was initiated by Regional center of export promotion of Tomsk CCI in collaboration with Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Indonesia and Business Council for Cooperation with Indonesia.

  The participants of the delegation included 16 representatives of Tomsk enterprises, involving innovative companies established with the participation of Tomsk universities, the residents of Tomsk SEZ, small and medium industrial companies.

  Within the framework of the business mission the presentation of Tomsk economic potential and products of Tomsk business were conducted in the Russian centre of science and culture in Jakarta, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry KADIN, besides Tomsk enterprises visited international exhibition Indonesia Expo 2013, met with Indonesian companies and the representatives of authorities in b2b format in Jakarta and West Java.

  Tomsk products sparked the interest of the Indonesian partners. Vulnerary bandages of the company “Aqvelite” will pass evaluation test in Indonesian department of Red Cross and Red Crescent, probiotic products “Desant zdorovya” of the company “Ferment” deserved high estimate and with the assistance of Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Indonesia information will be spread among Indonesian pharmaceutical companies and the producers of ice-cream. The technologies of the company “EleSy” sparked the interest of the big telecommunication corporation INTI and international company “GeoSpectrum”. The technology solutions of the company “Elcom+” sparked the interest of the steering committee on IT-technologies and public procurement of KADIN Indonesia. With reference to the previous agreements signed by the company “Micran” with the Indonesian partners in 2012, this company continued successful negotiations with the partners, customers, distributors, national corporations and the representatives of government authorities of Indonesia.

  Business mission continued to lay the ground for mutually advantageous cooperation between Tomsk CCI , KADIN Indonesia and Business Council for Cooperation with Indonesia established in 2012.

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 Entrepreneurs from Tomsk discuss the opportunities of cooperation with India