A competition The Best Exporter 2013 is announced

Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Department of Entrepreneurship and the real economy with the support of Russian Economic Development Ministry announce a competition for "Best Exporter of the Tomsk region in 2013".
Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Department of Entrepreneurship and the real economy with the support of Russian Economic Development Ministry announce a competition for "Best Exporter of the Tomsk region in 2013".
Goals of the competition:
- To promote and stimulate export activity of small and medium-sized businesses;
- To support and promote the growth of the number of exporters - small and medium-sized enterprises of Tomsk region;
- To promote successful experience of export activities among Tomsk regional small and medium-sized enterprises.
Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs which are small and medium-sized enterprises under the federal law of 24 July 2007 N 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sizes enterprises in the Russian Federation", registered in Tomsk region in accordance with the established procedure and conducted entrepreneurial activity not less than one year are eligible to participate.
Participants must meet the following requirements:
- Don’t be in the process of reorganization, liquidation or in the procedure used in the bankruptcy case;
- Don’t have arrears on tax or other mandatory payments to the budget of the Russian Federation and on funds previously received on a repayable basis from regional and municipal budgets.
Competitive selections of criteria are:
- Number of countries - the buyers of products;
- Total volume of export deliveries of products;
- Dynamics of export supplies of products for years;
- The share of exports in total production sales;
And also,
- Export volumes of innovative products;
- The nomenclature of innovative products export;
- The share of innovation export in overall export
The winner will win the title "Best Exporter of the Tomsk region in 2013" and will be rewarded with a valuable prize. Contest laureates, who will take the second and the third place, will be awarded with diplomas and souvenirs.
Regulations on the Competition and application form are available at the official website of the Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry www.tomsktpp.ru, the official website of the Department of Enterprise Development and the real sector of the Tomsk region www.biznesdep.tomsk.gov.ru, portal of foreign trade activities of the Tomsk region www.ved.tomsk.ru, portal of SME of Tomsk region www.mb.tomsk.ru.
Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until May 8, 2014 at the Tomsk Development & Foreign Economic Trade Center of Tomsk CCI (Tomsk, Krasnoarmeyskaya Street 71a, office 10, Ekaterina Govorova, tel.430-350, fax 433-218, e-mail: gea@tomsktpp.ru).
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