Tomsk SMEs are invited to participate in the International Exhibition Africa Com in South Africa (Cape Town)

The business program includes participation of Tomsk SMEs in the collective stand of the Tomsk Region, b2b meetings with potential partners, etc.
The Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, jointly with the Business Development Fund and the Administration of the Tomsk Region invites Tomsk SMEs to participate in the International Telecommunications and Technology Exhibition Africa Com, which will be held in November 12 - 14, 2019 in South Africa (Cape Town)
Thematic areas of the exhibition:
- Communication;
- IT-directions;
- Start-up in the field of telecommunications;
- Mass Media
The purpose of the event is to increase the competitiveness of Tomsk SMEs through expanding business cooperation between Russian and Indian businesses, establishing business relations with potential partners, introducing successful business practices, presenting the capabilities of enterprises of the Tomsk Region, promoting the products of Tomsk companies in the Indian market and exchanging of experience and technology.
The business program includes participation of Tomsk SMEs in the collective stand of the Tomsk Region, b2b meetings with potential partners, etc.
Preferential participation of the SMEs in event is organized by the Tomsk CCI jointly with the Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as part of the national project for the development of SMEs. The number of participants in the delegation is limited.
In case you have question, related to the event and participation, please contact with the CCI Center for International Economic Activity +7 (3822) 433-218, 430-350.
Entrepreneurs from Tomsk discuss the opportunities of cooperation with India