Business delegation from Indonesia visits the Tomsk Region

A delegation of the Indonesian enterprises will visit the Tomsk Region for meetings and b2b negotiations with Tomsk SMEs in October 22-25, 2019.
A delegation of the Indonesian enterprises will visit the Tomsk Region for meetings and b2b negotiations with Tomsk SMEs in October 22-25, 2019.
The delegation includes managers and specialists of companies - importers of IT solutions, telecommunications equipment; enterprises working in the field of logistics, as well as companies interested in supplying Tomsk products to the markets of Southeast Asia and the implementation of joint Russian-Indonesian projects.
Within the framework of the business program, there are planned visits to small and medium-sized export-oriented enterprises of the Tomsk Region, Tomsk universities, the special economic zone of technology-innovative type Tomsk, and the contact exchange of Tomsk and Indonesian business in the Tomsk CCI.
The Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry invites Tomsk SMEs to participate in the contact exchange with the businessmen from India, which will be held in October, 23 from 10-00 to 13-00 hours in the Conference Hall of the Tomsk CCI.
Participation in the contact exchange for SMEs of the Tomsk Region is FREE! Registration is required!
The visit of the business delegation from India is organized by the Tomsk CCI jointly with the Export Support Center, Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region and the Ministry of Economic Development as part of the national project for the development of SMEs.
In case you have question, related to the participation, please contact with the CCI Center for International Economic Activity (Ekaterina Govorova + 7 3822 430-350, Simona Belyakova +7 960 970 7020).
List of delegation from the Republic of Indonesia
Entrepreneurs from Tomsk discuss the opportunities of cooperation with India