Made for childhood - made in Tomsk!

The exhibition was effective for Tomsk companies, they held several dozen B2B negotiations with potential customers, showed new developments and models, exchanged experiences.
As part of the national project “Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Supporting Individual Entrepreneurship Initiatives”, a delegation of Tomsk SMEs took part in the 25th anniversary international exhibition MIR DETSTVA-2019, one of the largest exhibitions in Russia consolidating all the top brands of the children's goods industry.
Five companies presented their products at the collective stand of SMEs of the Tomsk Region, including LLC TIMBERGROUP, LLC Universal Terminal Systems, LLC Science Technology Medicine, LLC New chemistry, Sole Proprietor K.A. Yeshukov (Trade Mark Barbarikum).
The exhibition was effective for Tomsk companies, they held several dozen B2B negotiations with potential customers, showed new developments and models, exchanged experiences.
“We are participating in this exhibition for the first time, we are very pleased with the result. It was possible to communicate with our existing customers, find new ones, including foreign customers, to present new products. We are going to participate in the exhibition in the future. Indeed, «MIR DETSTVA» is a significant event for everyone involved in the toy industry, ”- Kirill Yeshukov (Trade Mark Barbarikum) said.
“This year for the first time we decided to take part in the exhibition «MIR DETSTVA» and did not regret at all. The audience and visitors of this exhibition are commercial organizations and employees of companies involved in the assembly of children's institutions. During the exhibition, it was possible to hold all the planned meetings. Next year we plan to participate again, and we will be glad to receive the invitation from the Tomsk CCI and the Administration of the Tomsk Region, ”- Elena Chernova (LLC Universal Terminal Systems) said.
The participation of Tomsk SMEs in «MIR DETSTVA 2019» was organized by the Tomsk CCI jointly with Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region and the Ministry of Economic Development as part of the events of the Export Support Center.
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