Tomsk strengthens business ties with Turkey

Moreover, representatives of Turkish companies got acquainted with the products and developments of EleSy JSC, LLC Rubius, LLC TZRO, and the business environment of Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Last week, a business delegation from Turkey visited Tomsk in order to establish contacts with Tomsk small and medium-sized businesses.
The delegation included representatives of 6 Turkish companies from Izmir and Erzurum and companies interested in importing Tomsk products and technological solutions.
On September 26-28, in the framework of the business program, there was a contact exchange of Tomsk and Turkish business in the Tomsk CCI, where were involved more than 20 Tomsk companies; visit to the special economic zone of technology-innovative type Tomsk, negotiations with resident companies on business profiles (LLC NTR Lab, LLC AMBIT, LLC Solagift, LLC Softinform ).
Moreover, representatives of Turkish companies got acquainted with the products and developments of EleSy JSC, LLC Rubius, LLC TZRO, and the business environment of Tomsk Polytechnic University.
The delegation, which included the representatives of industrial zones, companies manufacturing automated control systems, artificial intelligence development companies, importers and food products manufacturers, etc. They highly appreciated the level of Tomsk companies, Tomsk developments and products and did some specific proposals for partnerships and joint projects.
“It was a very useful meeting, we have been waiting for this contact for a long time. Turkey’s agricultural sector is very necessary for our product. We plan to hold a second meeting with Turkish companies and send a trial consignment of our products. Our company is also considering the possibility of opening a representative office in Turkey”, - Andrey Monastyrev (LLC Siburmetahim) said.
The visit from Turkey was organized by the Tomsk CCI jointly with the Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as part of the activities of the Export Support Center.
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