Tomsk beauty and health companies presented their products in South Korea

In addition, the delegation took part in the largest Asian exhibition of the beauty and health industry “InterCHARM Korea 2019”.
September 16-22, within the framework of the national project “Small and medium-sized enterprises and support of individual entrepreneurial initiatives”, a delegation of SMEs held meetings and negotiations in Seoul (Republic of Korea).
During a business mission organized by the Tomsk CCI with the support of Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Tomsk entrepreneurs visited the Russian Trade Representation in South Korea, Korean medical and pharmaceutical companies, and held individual b2b negotiations with Korean business.
In addition, the delegation took part in the largest Asian exhibition of the beauty and health industry “InterCHARM Korea 2019”.
In total, during the business mission, the Tomsk businessmen held more than 60 negotiations not only with Korean companies, but also with Chinese, Philippine, Indonesian, Indian and European companies. The products of LLC Nonex (National research University TSU), LLC Aqvelite, LLC Biolit, LLC Ferment and Individual Entrepreneur Sizova aroused great interest in foreign business.
As a result of the negotiations, there were reached several agreements on cooperation and supply of Tomsk products to South Korea.
The business mission of Tomsk SMEs was organized by the Tomsk CCI in cooperation with Business Development Fund with the support of the Administration of the Tomsk Region and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as part of the activities of the Export Support Center.
Entrepreneurs from Tomsk discuss the opportunities of cooperation with India