With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000
Manufacturing company Mion LLC, Mercado LLC, Avantazh LLC, and Resurskomplekt LLC are the companies presenting their products at the collective stand of SMEs in the region.

As part of the national project for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, Tomsk SMEs participate in the International Exhibition of Tools, Equipment and Technologies at the Expocenter, the largest exhibition of tools and equipment in the post-Soviet space.

Manufacturing company Mion LLC, Mercado LLC, Avantazh LLC, and Resurskomplekt LLC are the companies presenting their products at the collective stand of SMEs in the region.

Томичи представят участниками и посетителям выставки инструмент и оборудование для металлообработки, деревообработки, строительства, сварочное оборудование и др.

Tomsk SMEs will present exhibitors and visitors their tools and equipment for metalworking, woodworking, construction, welding equipment, etc.

At the exhibition, manufacturers of tools from Russia, former Soviet Union and other foreign countries are widely represented.

It is expected that at least 10,000 people will visit the exhibition.

The participation of Tomsk business in the exhibition is organized by the Tomsk CCI with the support of Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as part of the activities of the Export Support Center.

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