With the support of the Administration
Tomsk region
+7 (3822) 901-000
Five companies presented their services and products at the collective stand of Tomsk SMEs, including SIBERECO LLC, Individual Entrepreneur M.A. Permyakova ("Gingerbread Workshop"), Siberian Fiber LLC, Individual Entrepreneur I.V. Androsov, Kulechek Schastya LLC.

As part of the national project “Small and Medium-Sized Business and Support of Individual Entrepreneurship Initiatives”, a delegation of Tomsk SMEs took part in the 23rd International Exhibition “FHC China 2019”. It is the largest specialized exhibition of food, beverages, and retail trade, where more than 3000 exhibitors from 48 countries presented their products in 2019.

Five companies presented their services and products at the collective stand of Tomsk SMEs, including SIBERECO LLC, Individual Entrepreneur M.A. Permyakova ("Gingerbread Workshop"), Siberian Fiber LLC, Individual Entrepreneur I.V. Androsov, Kulechek Schastya LLC.

The exhibition was very effective for Tomsk companies, they presented their products at one of the largest exhibition, held several dozen B2B negotiations with potential customers, exchanged experiences, got acquainted with the latest achievements of the food industry.

 “We thank the Tomsk CCI for the excellent organization of the trip and the opportunity to participate in the International Exhibition FHC China 2019 in Shanghai. It was our first work at such a large-scale international exhibition. As a result, we have presented our products, exchanged contacts with more than 18 representatives of interested organizations from China and other countries, laid the foundations for the company’s presence in East China ”, - Maria Permyakova ("Gingerbread Workshop") said.

The participation of Tomsk SMEs in the FHC China 2019 exhibition was organized by the Tomsk CCI in cooperation with the Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region, and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as part of the activities of the Export Support Center.

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