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A delegation of Tomsk small and medium-sized enterprises took part in the International Gas Exhibition IRGS TEH 2019, held in Tehran

Text: Artem Sibiryakov

A delegation of Tomsk small and medium-sized enterprises took part in the International Gas Exhibition IRGS TEH 2019, held in Tehran


The international gas exhibition IRGS TEH 2019 has an exhibition area of 20,000 square meters.

International Gas Exhibition IRGS TEH Exhibition objectives: to show the progress in this industry and the role of hydrocarbons in sustainable development and increase in national wealth; implementation of investment opportunities and partnerships in the gas industry; the formation of international cooperation. 2019 has an exhibition area of 20,000 sq. m


•Exploration, drilling and gas production;

• Natural gas storage;

• Tools and technologies for gas separation;

• Software and industrial automation;

• Design, consultation and contracting;

• Industry, machinery and systems for natural gas;

• Industrial safety and the environment;

• Technology, research, development and training;

• Various technical goods, devices and services, etc.

The event was held at the new Shahre-Aftab Exhibition Center. The business trip was organized by the Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the Business Development Fund, as part of the national project for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Tomsk delegation included representatives of six small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the Biological Institute of National Research TSU. Note that the Tomsk delegation was the only one representing Russia. The International Gas Exhibition was attended by representatives of ministries and companies from Iraq, Mali, Oman, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, as well as Iranian specialized companies in the field of oil and gas production and processing.

Why did the Iranian exhibition attract the attention of Tomsk business? According to Wikipedia, Iran has 16 percent of the world's natural gas reserves. Thus, it is the largest market for oil and gas, engineering and service companies. Participation in this exhibition can facilitate our business interaction with Iranian organizations and also foreign companies interested in cooperation with this country.


Why did the Tomsk CCI decide to organize a business trip for Tomsk businessmen to Iran, given the high geopolitical risks, harsh sanctions from the United States and its allies, as well as other political and economic pressure?

“Iran is a very large market, regardless of the political situation, so it is foolish to ignore it,” explains Alexander Belyaev, director of the Center for the Development of Foreign Economic Activities of the Tomsk CCI. - Besides, there has been a noticeable warming of relations between Russia and Iran lately. This is confirmed by the recent agreement on a free trade zone between the EAEU and Iran, which will enter into force in October this year. This means that trade duties will be significantly reduced, and new opportunities will appear for a more favorable entry of Russian business into the Iranian market.

“Of course,” continues Alexander Belyaev, “because of the international sanctions imposed on Iran, peculiarities arise in working with Iranian enterprises. For example, to companies that focus on US or British markets, Iran is unlikely to be interesting. At the same time, the competition in the oil and gas services market today is so high that it would be wrong to ignore the Iranian market.


However, let us get back to the IRGS TEH 2019 exhibition. Representatives from Tomsk presented products and services for the oil and gas sector, a series of negotiations took place with Iranian companies and organizations, the Tehran Chamber of Commerce and associations of oilfield services enterprises. The Iranian side was very interested in the products and solutions of SIAM Group of Companies, TOMCO companies, AEROSCHUP technology, Tomburneftegaz services, Asterol company offers (IP Lyubimov), and others. The exposition of Tomsk enterprises was revived by a stand with an animatronic robot that stood out against the background of other participants, among which were the oil ministries of Iraq, Mali, business representatives of Oman and others.

Products and developments of Tomsk companies were of interest to such organizations as the Iranian State Oil Institute (RIPI), Iranian Association of Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturers (SIPIEM), Tehran Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association of Oil Drilling Enterprises, Association of Exporters of Oil Products, Gas Products and Petrochemicals, Association of Oil and Gas Equipment Builders , Association of engineering services in the field of oil, gas and petro chemistry, Association of engineering services and construction (oil and energy), Iranian Oil Federation, etc.

A busy business program at the exhibition and in the offices of Iranian companies, the Tehran CCI, the Russian trade mission in Iran with the participation of trade representative Rustam Zhiganshin and the representative of REC JSC Pavel Bukhanov, meetings at the stand, including with the head of the representative office of Gazprom in Iran, create good prerequisites for the appearance Tomsk products in this promising market.


The participation of the Tomsk delegation in the exhibition was especially noted by officials and the media. There were articles in newspapers, information on Internet resources, reports on radio and television.

“We saw that the Iranians, despite the difficult foreign policy situation, do not give up, continue to develop production fields and produce hydrocarbons,” Alexander Belyaev explains. - The presence of Tomsk citizens at the exhibition at such a difficult time for Iran was very important since the Iranians are very sensitive on who and how relates to them. As an eastern country, they are trying to find not only momentary benefits, but their goal is long-term cooperation. And Tomsk business is ready to meet them halfway.”


Yuri Bocharov, LLC Tomskburneftegaz:

"A trip to Iran, the participation in the International Gas Exhibition was very useful for our company. Our main task was to study for ourselves the world market of equipment, services in the oil and gas sector. That is, to get the lay of the land and understand who is doing what, to take a closer look and ask the price. The organization of the business mission was at the highest level, no problems and questions arose. We visited everything we planned, took part in all the planned events, held very interesting and useful meetings and negotiations. Of course, it is difficult to expect a breakthrough on the world market from the first trip, so we will work further - develop contacts, consider offers."

Andrey Trifonov, Glitergo LLC:

"We went to the IRGS TEH 2019 exhibition for the first time, we can say “on reconnaissance”. We set ourselves the task of exploring the Iranian market, so mysterious to us. To understand the rules of the game and economic conditions, evaluate the prospects. Thanks to the Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we have acquired very important contacts for our company, took part in important events and meetings. As a result of the trip, we realized that the Iranian oil and gas market is very promising for us, and we intend to promote our products and services. Glitergo employees visited many countries and talked with business colleagues. Comparing with other trips, I can say that everything was organized at the highest level."

Evgeny Nikolaev, SIAM Group:

"We are following with interest the situation in the oil and gas industry of Iran, which has a rich history. Our participation in the exhibition at a difficult time for the Iranian side demonstrated to the partners the seriousness of the Tomsk business. Participation in the event allowed us to see many interesting areas for cooperation with Iranian partners."

The event was organized by the Tomsk CCI together with the CPE of the Business Development Fund with the support of the administration of the Tomsk Region and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, as part of the national project for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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