A business delegation from Egypt is working in the Tomsk Region

A delegation includes managers and specialists of companies importing medical equipment; enterprises working in the field of woodworking and wood products, as well as companies interested in supplying Tomsk cosmetic, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical products to the markets of North-East Africa and in implementing joint Russian-Egyptian projects.
A delegation includes managers and specialists of companies importing medical equipment; enterprises working in the field of woodworking and wood products, as well as companies interested in supplying Tomsk cosmetic, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical products to the markets of North-East Africa and in implementing joint Russian-Egyptian projects.
On November 26, Tomsk CCI successfully held the contacts exchange with representatives of Tomsk SMEs in the Conference Hall. The members of the Egyptian business delegation showed great interest in Tomsk products.
In addition, Egyptian businessmen visited the Tomsk Special Economic Zone, where they held talks with residents of the Special Economic Zone of technology-innovative type, visited a number of wood processing enterprises, as well as LLC Artlife, LLC Nauka.Tehnika.Meditsina, LLC Siberian Cedar, etc.
The visit of the Indian business delegation was organized by the Tomsk CCI with the support of the Business Development Fund, the Administration of the Tomsk Region, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as part of the national project “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Support of Individual Entrepreneurship Initiatives”.
Entrepreneurs from Tomsk discuss the opportunities of cooperation with India