On December 9-11, 2019, a delegation of entrepreneurs from Kyrgyzstan worked in the framework of the national project on entrepreneurship development in Tomsk.
On December 9-11, 2019, on the invitation of the Export Support Center of the Business Development Fund and the Tomsk CCI, a delegation of entrepreneurs from Kyrgyzstan worked in the framework of the national project on entrepreneurship development in Tomsk.
During the visit, representatives of Kyrgyz companies got acquainted with the history of Tomsk and its educational and innovative potential, took part in the contacts exchange in the Tomsk CCI, visited LLC TD Tomskcable, LLC Siberian Kletchatka, LLC Ferment, LLC Instrument Plus, Sibereco LLC, MPS - Service LLC, Artlife LLC, Rubius Group LLC. The result of more than two dozen negotiations was several substantive agreements on the development of cooperation and a signed export contract of the Tomsk LED manufacturing company TM DIORA and the Kyrgyz trading company.
“We thank the Regional Export Support Center, the Administration of Tomsk Region for the opportunity to meet with potential partners from Kyrgyzstan. We saw great interest in our product. Our company hopes that the outcome of the B2B negotiations will be long-term contracts with companies,” - Natalia Gerasimova (TM DIORA) said.
The visit of the delegation from the Kyrgyz Republic was organized by the Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the support of the Administration of the Tomsk Region, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Tomsk Region Business Development Fund, as part of the activities of the Export Support Center.
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