Support for the export of small and medium-sized businesses is one of the priorities of Russia's economic policy. This point is reflected in the national projects for the development of entrepreneurship and international cooperation and export.
Support for the export of small and medium-sized businesses is one of the priorities of Russia's economic policy. This point is reflected in the national projects for the development of entrepreneurship and international cooperation and export.
In 2019, more than 50 million rubles were allocated from the federal and regional budgets for the project activities implementation.
The Export Support Center of the Business Development Fund in cooperation with the Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tomsk Region Administration, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Export Center organized more than 40 events for the export-oriented business of the region.
The most popular:
- 12 business missions of Tomsk SMEs to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, India, Vietnam, Mongolia, Germany, the Philippines, South Korea.
- participation of Tomsk SME delegations in 18 International Exhibitions, including the 2nd Iran Gas Exhibition, Metaltech Central Asia-2019 (Kazakhstan), ULAANBAATAR-PARTNERSHIP 2019 (Mongolia), the 10th international Mediterranean exhibition and conference of offshore oil and gas technologies and equipment 2019 (Egypt), FHC CHINA (China), Africa Com (South Africa), the 24th International Exhibition and Conference "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan", China Toy Expo 2019 (China), the 16th Kazakhstan Health Exhibition AstanaZdorovie-2019 ( Kazakhstan), BioFACH India 2019, the 12th international exhibition and scientific conference on telecommunications, telemetry and information technologies Turkmentel-2019, 25th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Exhibition BAKUTEL 2019, Bio Pharma South World Expo 2019 (India), MIR DETSTVA (Moscow), MITEX 2019 (Moscow), Vietnam Expo Siberia, Exhibition in the framework of the 15th Forum of Business of Russia, Mongolia and China (Krasnoyarsk), International Commodity Fair 2019: Export Potential of Russia ”(Moscow).
- 11 visits of foreign business delegations to Tomsk for meetings and negotiations with Tomsk exporters.
Totally, 346 export-oriented SMEs in Tomsk Oblast received informational, consulting, and organizational support from ESC specialists, experts in the foreign economic activity sphere, 25 small and medium-sized enterprises took part in the regional contest “Exporter of the Year”, 6 of them became winners in various categories. (“Export of agricultural products” - SibBioProduct LLC, the best exporter of industrial products was TM Tomskcable, Export of innovative products, the winner was Foton LLC, Export in the IT sphere - Elcomplus LLC, “ Exporter of the year in the field of digital solutions ”- LLC Enbisis,“ For the large-scale geography of sales ”- LLC Rubius Group).
Two more Tomsk companies,LLC Rubius Group and Tomskcable, became the winners of the regional contest “Exporter of the Year” in the Siberian Federal District, organized by the Russian Export Center, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.
Experts of the Russian Export Centre and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation positively assessed the performance of the Tomsk ESC in the framework of the national project on entrepreneurship development. In 2019, 30 small and medium-sized enterprises exported, 5 of them have exported for the first time, the volume of supported export of SMEs in our region amounted to $ 10,000,000. The share of non-primary non-energy exports of the region in the total volume of good exports exceeds more than 80%.
In addition, in 2019 there were held several significant events for the center: the Tomsk ESC became part of the «My Business» Center regional system (having moved to Moskovsky Trakt 12) and the Unified System for Export Promotion of the Russian Federation, which is supervised by the Russian Export Center.
In 2020, the financing of the national project for the development of SMEs in terms of support for exporters will remain at the same level. Tomsk export-oriented companies within the framework of the ESC of the Business Development Fund jointly with of the Administration of the Tomsk Region, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Export Center will be able to take preferential participation in several dozen events.
The region's plans for 2020 include collective stands of Tomsk SMEs at International Exhibitions in China, India, South Africa, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, business missions to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Turkey, Mongolia, Serbia, receptions business delegations of Tomsk products importers from Vietnam, Mongolia, India, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Singapore. As well as expert support for SME exporters.
Read more: «My Business» Center, Tomsk, Moskovsky Trakt 12, the 3rd floor.
Business Development Fund, Tomsk Region Export Support Center tel.: (3822) 901-000.
The Export Support Center operates within the framework of the regional program for the development of small and medium enterprises and the national project “Small and medium enterprises and the support of individual entrepreneurial initiatives”.
Entrepreneurs from Tomsk discuss the opportunities of cooperation with India